Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hiya :D


    Welcome to Boogers and Bows. 

We are a twin blogger team ready to take the grid by storm and show you all the newest and best things out there for kids.

Hiya I am Danny aka Boogers. I am 3-8 years old depending on how I feel. Also I am the older twin but not the boss :D I have an issue with shopping and gatchas. I love all things Disney, raccoons, dinos, and Space. My favorite color is blue and I am allergic to pink. I run on dino nuggets, ketchup, and soda. Other then shopping I love to take photos and used to run a blog Nerd Baby before. On top of blogging we also have a store Snuggle Moon Kids. I'm boogers bc I have a best friend booger named Bob who you might just see around here from time to time. 

Hiya I'm Koda aka Bows. I am 3-8 years old and the baby. Oh and I am Danny's boss :P. I am pretty shy and Boogers does most of the talking, he never stops really. I love Disney, pandas, squirrels, and Green Arrow. Tye Dye is my favorite color but if you make me pick its purple and green. Blogging is new to me because Boogers didn't want to do it alone, so he is making me join in :D I don't have a booger and I will do my best to keep Bob away from the blog.

Our goal with Boogers and Bows is to show the community all the amazing things the grid has to offer. We both use Bebe Toddler and Bebe Youth bodies, TD and Leltuka Heads. We won't be listing things like skin, eyes, or hair as its just the same stuff over and over :D But feel free to poke us with any questions.

Also follow our Flickr for Full Resolution photos and our Facebook page

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